Friday 6 May 2011

Day 10

Kitzingen and Rothenburg.

Bt now we have seen so many cities and towns, cathedrals and castles, old and older, and have eaten so much food (but could have eaten more) drunk so much wine (and could not have drunken more), that we don't know where we are anymore......however

We awoke on the 10th morning in Kitzingen, which is one of the oldest towns on the Main River. Ruth and Carol spent the morning wandering the town and ended up in a delightful old wine cellar for wine tasting. The champagne on entering the tavern was a little tough at 11am, but like the troupers we are we managed to taste the following 5 wines for tasting.

Graeme and Kevin spent the morning on a sight seeing bike tour (much to healthy for us) and joined the merry crowd back on board ship for lunch.

After lunch we boarded a bus to Rothenburg (about 1hr travel from Kitingen) while the ship sailed on.

Rothenburg is known for it's Christmas store and museum. The Christmas decor just beautiful, but how many cases can we bring back.

We then travelled on by bus to catch the ship in Wurzburg where we settled to yet another fine meal. On board each night we have been kept busy with local entertainers....tonight we had a local 'glass blower' from Wertheim. Kevin became the assistant and after having a shot of the local Zambucca......(who would believe) went on to blow a lovely ball of is coming home for proof.

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