Saturday 30 April 2011

Goodbye Budapest

One of the highlights leaving Budapest at night.

Day 3 Bratislava

We left Budapest 10.30pm Wed 27th to a lovely display of the city lights. All those wonderful buildings lit up like a Christmas tree.

Pulled into Bratislava which is the capital of Slovakia. Went on a tour through the city with commentary of what life was like in the time of communism. Very interesting.

We then went to explore the old part of the town which was a buzz with many people here for the ice hockey championships which was to start the next day.

We loved the of discovery all the cobblestones alleys and streets leading to surprises of little restaurants, and entry to small apartments via winding staircases.

Back on board for yet again another excellent eve of fine wine and food. Entertainment on board from local group.

The ship left at 11.30pm to head for Vienna. So far the pace has been full on with little time to rest. So much to see, so much to eat, so much drink. Oh well someone has to do it.

Sent from my iPad

Thursday 28 April 2011


Day one.
We boarded our home for the next two weeks on the Amaverde. A five star hotel on the river. Our time so far have found that we will be extremely well cared for, wined and dined and our every need catered for.

After settling in we took ourselves off to wander in our surrounds. We found a lovely little place to partake in our first celebratory champagne and watch the world in Budapest flow by. Then back to the ship for a pleasant evening and finally to sleep in a bed.

Day two.
What a lovely start to our journey. Budapest (pronounced as Buda-peshtd)is divided by the river Danube. Buda (the older part of the city) on one side and Pest on the other. You need to have at least a week to explore to really appreciate the history. We did not have time to have a Turkish bath for which the area is famous for. They say the healing properties of the natural springs do wonders for arthritic joints....not that we are claiming to have arthritis, however after the long flight to get here, it would have been very soothing.

The architecture of the buildings.

Not enough time to explore the two cities.....Buda and Pest. Did not have a turkish bath.

Note. Our postings have been delayed due to poor 3G access but will try to update time permitting today.
Also need to upskill adding photos from IPad.
Fiona thanks for following us, you are the first to join.

Tuesday 26 April 2011

Here we are in Amsterdam just 26 hours after leaving Melbourne. Have had about 6 meals per day flying onto time zones and doing well. We are about to board for the last leg of the initial journey to Budapest where we shall board our ship. Will keep you posted throughout our journey and may even get some photos to download.

Sunday 24 April 2011

Au revoir

The day has finally come !!! Its 10.19a.m. on April 25th 2011. The trip we have planned for months to celebrate 25 and 40 years of marriage.
The camera is poised...the photo shoot about to happen....bags packed, check lists !!! Have we got it all....
A beautiful day here in Geelong as we load the car, and head for the first coffee break, the drive through.